1. Beinema T, op den Akker H, Hurmuz M, Jansen-Kosterink S, Hermens H. Automatic topic selection for long-term interaction with embodied conversational agents in health coaching: A micro-randomized trial. Internet Interventions 2022, 27: 100502.
  2. Bessler, Jule; Prange-Lasonder, Gerdienke B; Schulte, Robert V; Schaake, Leendert; Prinsen, Erik C; Buurke, Jaap H; ,Occurrence and Type of Adverse Events During the Use of Stationary Gait Robots-A Systematic Literature, Interfacing Humans and Machines for Rehabilitation and Assistive Devices,2022,Frontiers Media SA
  3. Bessler-Etten J, Schaake L, Prange-Lasonder GB, Buurke JH. Assessing effects of exoskeleton misalignment on knee joint load during swing using an instrumented leg simulator. J Neuroeng Rehabil [Internet]. 2022 Dec 1 [cited 2023 Mar 2];19(1):1-18. Available from: https://jneuroengrehab.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12984-022-00990-z
  4. Bessler-Etten, Jule; Schaake, Leendert; Prange-Lasonder, Gerdienke B; Buurke, Jaap H;,Assessing effects of exoskeleton misalignment on knee joint load during swing using an instrumented leg simulator,Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation,19,1,1-18,2022
  5. Brandl, L., Cabrita, M., Brodbeck, J., Heylen, D., & van Velsen, L. (2022). Consulting the Oracle: A Delphi study for determining parameters for a mental health user profile and personalization strategy for an online service to aid grieving older adults. Internet interventions, 28, 100534.
  6. Brodbeck, J., Jacinto, S., Gouveia, A., Mendonça, N., Madörin, S., Brandl, L., ... & van Velsen, L. (2022). A Web-Based Self-help Intervention for Coping With the Loss of a Partner: Protocol for Randomized Controlled Trials in 3 Countries. JMIR research protocols, 11(11), e37827.
  7. De Miguel-Fernández J, Lobo-Prat J, Prinsen E, Font-Llagunes JM, Marchal-Crespo L. Control strategies used in lower-limb exoskeletons for gait rehabilitation after brain injury: a systematic review and analysis of clinical effectiveness. J Neuroeng Rehabil 2023;20:23.
  8. Fard B, Persoon S, Jutte PC, Daemen JHC, Lamprou D-AA, ten Hoope W, Prinsen EC, Houdijk H, Olsman J, Holling T, de Wever HPPR, Schrier E, Donders N, Rietman JS, Geertzen JHB. Amputation and prosthetics of the lower extremity: The 2020 Dutch evidence-based multidisciplinary guideline. Prosthet Orthot Int 2023;47:69-80.
  9. Grünloh C, Cabrita M, Dantas C, Ortet S. Opportunities, ethical challenges, and value implications of pervasive sensing technology for supporting older adults in the work environment. Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 2022 May 1;26.
  10. Grünloh C, te Braake E, Hurmuz M, Jansen-Kosterink S. Balancing data-hungriness of AI and the workload of manual data collection. In International Reports on Socio-Informatics. 2022;19(2).
  11. Grünloh C, te Braake E, Hurmuz M, Jansen-Kosterink S. Balancing data-hungriness of AI and the workload of manual data collection. In: Exploring Human-Centered AI in Healthcare: A Workshop Report. International Reports on Socio-Informatics; 2022. p. 28-32.
  12. Hurmuz M, Jansen-Kosterink S, Flierman I, Fard B, van Velsen L. The First Introduction of Social Robotics in Rehabilitation Care. In: Challenges of Trustable AI and Added-Value on Health. IOS Press; 2022. p. 890-894.
  13. Hurmuz MZM, Jansen-Kosterink SM, Beinema T, Fischer K, op den Akker H, Hermens HJ. Evaluation of a virtual coaching system eHealth intervention: A mixed methods observational cohort study in the Netherlands. Internet Interventions 2022, 27: 100501.
  14. Hurmuz MZM, Jansen-Kosterink SM, Hermens HJ, van Velsen L. Game not over: Explaining older adults' use and intention to continue using a gamified eHealth service. Health Informatics Journal 2022, 28(2): 1-16.
  15. Hurmuz, MZM, Jansen-Kosterink, SM & Van Velsen, L. (2023). How to Prevent the Drop-Out: Understanding Why Adults Participate in Summative eHealth Evaluations. Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research, p. 1-16.
  16. Huurneman R, Postma M, Gussinklo J, Tenniglo M, Schaake L, Reenalda J, Nederhand M, Zeegers A, Fleuren J, Nikamp C. Effect of rectus femoris transfer to improve running after stroke: a case study. Gait & Posture 2022;97(3):S19-S10. DOI 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2022.07.015
  17. Jansen-Kosterink S, Broekhuis M, van Velsen L. Time to act mature-Gearing eHealth evaluations toward technology readiness levels. Digit Health. 2022 Jul 11;8:20552076221113396. doi: 10.1177/20552076221113396.
  18. JH, Rikhof Cindy; Prange-Lasonder, Gerdienke B; Prinsen, Erik C; Buurke, Jaap H; Rietman, Johan S;,Detection thresholds for electrostimulation combined with robotic leg support in sub-acute stroke patients,2022 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR),1-5,2022,IEEE
  19. Kooiman VGM, van Staveren ES, Leijendekkers RA, Buurke JH, Verdonschot N, Prinsen EC, Weerdesteyn V. Testing and evaluation of lower limb prosthesis prototypes in people with a transfemoral amputation: a scoping review on research protocols. J Neuroeng Rehabil 2023;20:1.
  20. Kottink AIR, Haarman CJW, Prinsen EC, Maas EM, Fleuren JF, Tönis FJ, Rietman JS. Evaluation of usability, user acceptance and performance of T-GRIP hand exoskeleton. Dutch Congress of Rehabilitation medicine (oral presentation); 2022 Nov 20-11; 's Hertogenbosch the Netherlands.
  21. Kottink AIR, Nikamp CDM, Bos FP, van der Sluis CK, van den Broek M, Onneweer B, Stolwijk-Swüste JM, Brink SM, Voet NBM, Buurke JB, Rietman JS, Prange-Lasonder GB. Therapeutic effect of a soft robotic glove for activities of daily living in people with impaired hand strength: protocol for a multicenter clinical trial (iHand). JMIR Res Protoc 2022;11(4):e34200;doi: 10.2196/34200.
  22. Kottink AIR, Nikamp CDM, Bos FP, van der Sluis CK, van den Broek M, Onneweer B, Stolwijk-Swüste JM, Brink SM, Voet NBM, Buurke JH, Rietman JS, Prange-Lasonder GB. Therapeutic Effect of a Soft Robotic Glove for Activities of Daily Living In People With Impaired Hand Strength: Protocol for a Multicenter Clinical Trial (iHand). JMIR Res Protoc 2022;11(4):e34200
  23. Kottink AIR, Nikamp CDM, Buurke JH, Bos F, van der Sluis CK, van den Broek M, Onneweer B, Stolwijk-Swüste JM, Brink SM, Rietman JS, Prange-Lasonder GB (2022). Six Weeks Use of a Wearable Soft-robotic Glove During ADL: Preliminary Results of Ongoing Clinical Study. In: Torricelli, D., Akay, M., Pons, J.L. (eds) Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation IV. ICNR 2020. Biosystems & Biorobotics, vol 28. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-70316-5_3
  24. Kottink, A.I.R., Prange-Lasonder, G.B., Dijk, L., Baten, C.T.M., Fleuren, J.F.M., Buurke, J.H. (2022). Influence of Innovative Rehabilitation Technology on Intensity of Training: Preliminary Results. In: Torricelli, D., Akay, M., Pons, J.L. (eds) Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation IV. ICNR 2020. Biosystems & Biorobotics, vol 28. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-70316-5_5
  25. Marotta, Luca; Buurke, Jaap H; van Beijnum, Bert-Jan F; Stoel, Marleen; Reenalda, Jasper; ,Identification Of Physical Fatigue In Interval Training: A Machine Learning Approach: 59,Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise,54,9S,6,2022
  26. Marotta, Luca; Scheltinga, Bouke L; van Middelaar, Robbert; Bramer, Wichor M; van Beijnum, Bert-Jan F; Reenalda, Jasper; Buurke, Jaap H; ,Accelerometer-Based Identification of Fatigue in the Lower Limbs during Cyclical Physical Exercise: A Systematic Review,Sensors,22,8,3008,2022
  27. Mulder M, Nikamp C, Nijland R, van Wegen E, Prinsen E, Vloothuis J,Buurke J,Kwakkel G. Can telerehabilitation services combined with caregiver-mediated exercises improve early supported discharge services poststroke? A study protocol for a multicentre, observer-blinded, randomized controlled trial. BMC Neurology 2022;22-29.
  28. Mulder M, Nikamp C, Nijland R, van Wegen E, Prinsen E, Vloothuis J, Buurke J, Kwakkel G. Can telerehabilitation services combined with caregiver-mediated exercises improve early supported discharge services poststroke? A study protocol for a multicentre, observer-blinded, randomized controlled trial. BMC Neurol 2022;22:29.
  29. Mulder, Marijn; Nikamp, Corien; Nijland, Rinske; van Wegen, Erwin; Prinsen, Erik; Vloothuis, Judith; Buurke, Jaap; Kwakkel, Gert; , "Can telerehabilitation services combined with caregiver-mediated exercises improve early supported discharge services poststroke? A study protocol for a multicentre, observer-blinded, randomized controlled trial, BMC neurology,22,1,1-10,2022
  30. Nikamp C, Fleuren J, Tenniglo M, Huurneman R. Stiff knee gait: the role of the rectus femoris in stroke. The science, the daily practice and a special case study. Mini symposium DCRM 2022, Den Bosch, 10-11 Nov 2022.
  31. Nikamp C, Franke J, Schaake L, Rietman J, Prinsen E, Buurke J. The effect of normalization for sub-phases of gait after stroke. ESMAC 2022, 22-24 Sept 2022, Dublin
  32. Nikamp C, Franke J, Schaake L, Rietman J, Prinsen E, Buurke J. The effect of normalization for sub-phases of gait after stroke. Gait & Posture 2022;97(4):S130-S131. DOI 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2022.07.089
  33. Nikamp C, Postma M, Prinsen E, Rietman J, Buurke J. Implementation of early AFO-provision in the rehabilitation after stroke: from science to daily clinical practice. DCRM 2022, Den Bosch, Nov 10-11, 2022.
  34. Nikamp C, Rens E. Getting ahead in time in CVA. Symposium Professional Association of Orthopaedic Technologists, 18-3-2022, The Netherlands
  35. Nikamp C. The sooner the better! Providing ankle-foot orthoses in the rehabilitation after stroke. Invited speaker, NITO 2022, Trondheim, Norway, Nov 12, 2022.
  36. Nikamp C. Early EVO provision in rehabilitation after CVA: good or bad idea? ISPO NL annual conference, 4-3-2022, Dordrecht
  37. Nikamp, C; Franke, J; Schaake, L; Rietman, J; Buurke, J; Prinsen, E; ,A randomized controlled trial on providing ankle-foot orthoses after stroke: Effects on lower limb kinematics of the non-affected side,Gait & Posture,97,,S132-S133,2022
  38. Oberschmidt K, Broekhuis M, Grünloh C. Patient Values Associated with an Exergame Supporting COPD Treatment. InChallenges of Trustable AI and Added-Value on Health 2022 (pp. 730-734). IOS Press.
  39. Oberschmidt K, Grünloh C, Doherty K, Wolkorte R, Saßmannshausen SM, Siering L, Cajander Å, Dolezel M, Lifvergren S, van Den Driesche K. How To Train Your Stakeholders: Skill Training In Participatory Health Research. In: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2022 Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference 2022 Oct 8 (pp. 1-4).
  40. Oberschmidt K, Grünloh C, Nijboer F, van Velsen L. Best practices and lessons learned for action research in eHealth design and implementation: literature review. Journal of medical internet research. 2022 Jan 28;24(1):e31795.
  41. Oberschmidt K, van Velsen L, Grünloh C, Fiorini L, Rovini E, Muñoz FJ. International eHealth ecosystems and the quest for the winning value proposition: findings from a survey study. Open Research Europe. 2022 May 6;2(56):56.
  42. Oberschmidt, K., Broekhuis, M., & Grünloh, C. (2022). Patient Values Associated with an Exergame Supporting COPD Treatment. Studies in health technology and informatics, 294, 730-734.
  43. Oberschmidt, K., Grünloh, C., Doherty, K., Wolkorte, R., Saßmannshausen, S. M., Siering, L., ... & van Den Driesche, K. (2022, October). How To Train Your Stakeholders: Skill Training In Participatory Health Research. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2022 Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference (pp. 1-4).
  44. Oberschmidt, K., Grünloh, C., Nijboer, F., & van Velsen, L. (2022). Action Research in eHealth design and implementation: A literature review of best practices and lessons learned. Journal of medical internet research.
  45. Oberschmidt, K., van Velsen, L., Grünloh, C., Fiorini, L., Rovini, E., & Muñoz, F. J. M. (2022). International eHealth ecosystems and the quest for the winning value proposition: findings from a survey study. Open Research Europe, 2(56), 56.
  46. Prange GB, Kottink AIR, Rydgård A, Rietman JS. Soft-Robotic Glove: From Development to Market Uptake in Context of Medical Device Regulation. Rehab Week (workshop); 2022 Jul 25-29; Rotterdam the Netherlands.
  47. Prange GB, Kottink AIR, van der Sluis CK, Pater R, . Rietman JS. Multi-center study to assess clinical effect of soft-robotic glove on hand function: regulatory context, latest results and practical experiences. Dutch Congress of Rehabilitation medicine (symposium); 2022 Nov 20-11; 's Hertogenbosch the Netherlands.
  48. Prange-Lasonder GB, Kottink AIR, Nikamp CDM, Buurke JH, Bos F, Van Der Sluis CK, Van Den Broek M, Onneweer B, Stolwijk-Swuste JM, Brink SM, Voet NBM, Rietman JS. Effect on Hand Function After Six-week Use of a Wearable Soft-Robotic Glove Assisting ADL: Interim Results of an Ongoing Clinical Study. IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot. 2022 Jul;2022:1-6. doi: 10.1109/ICORR55369.2022.9896605. PMID: 36176120.
  49. Prange-Lasonder GB, Kottink AIR, Nikamp CDM, Buurke JH, Bos F, Van Der Sluis CK, Van Den Broek M, Onneweer B, Stolwijk-Swuste JM, Brink SM, Voet NBM, Rietman JS. Effect on Hand Function After Six-week Use of a Wearable Soft-Robotic Glove Assisting ADL: Interim Results of an Ongoing Clinical Study. IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot. 2022;2022-July.
  50. Prange-Lasonder, Gerdienke B; Kottink, Anke IR; Nikamp, Corien DM; Buurke, Jaap H; Bos, Foskea; Van Der Sluis, Corry K; Van Den Broek, Marieke; Onneweer, Bram; Stolwijk-Swüste, Janneke M; Brink, Sander M; ,Effect on Hand Function After Six-week Use of a Wearable Soft-Robotic Glove Assisting ADL: Interim Results of an Ongoing Clinical Study,2022 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR),1-6,2022,IEEE
  51. Refai, Mohamed Irfan Mohamed; Van Beijnum, Bert-Jan F; Buurke, Jaap H; Veltink, Peter H; ,Centroidal Moment Pivot for ambulatory estimation of relative feet and CoM movement post stroke: Portable Gait Lab,2022 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR),1-6,2022,IEEE
  52. Remazeilles A, Dominguez A, Barralon P, Torres-Pardo A, Pinto D, Aller F, Mombaur K, Conti R, Saccares L, Thorsteinsson F, Prinsen E, Cantón A, Castilla J, Sanz-Morère CB, Tornero J, Torricelli D. Making bipedal robot experiments reproducible and comparable: the Eurobench software approach. Front Robot AI 2022;9:951663.
  53. Rikhof C, Prange-Lasonder GB, Prinsen EC, Buurke JH, Rietman JS. Detection thresholds for electrostimulation combined with robotic leg support in sub-acute stroke patients. IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot 2022:1-5
  54. Rikhof CJH, Prange-Lasonder GB, Prinsen EC, Buurke JH, Rietman JS. Detection thresholds for electrostimulation combined with robotic leg support in sub-acute stroke patients. IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot. 2022.
  55. Rikhof, Cindy JH; Prange-Lasonder, Gerdienke B; Prinsen, Erik C; Buurke, Jaap H; Rietman, Johan S; ,Detection thresholds for electrostimulation combined with robotic leg support in sub-acute stroke patients, "17th IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, ICORR 2022",2022,IEEE Computer Society
  56. Saenz J, Bessler-Etten J, Valori M, Prange-Lasonder GB, Fassi I, Bidard C, Lassen AB, Paniti I, Toth A, Stuke T, Wrede S, Nielsen K. An Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collaborative Robots Across Different Domains. IEEE Trans Human-Machine Syst. 2022 (early access); DOI: 10.1109/THMS.2022.3213416
  57. Saenz J, Fassi I, Prange-Lasonder GB, Valori M, Bidard C, Lassen AB, Bessler-Etten J. COVR Toolkit - Supporting safety of interactive robotics applications. Proc IEEE Int Conf Human-Machine Syst ICHMS 2021. 2021 Sep 8
  58. Saes, M; Refai, MI Mohamed; van Beijnum, BJF; Bussmann, JBJ; Jansma, EP; Veltink, PH; Buurke, JH; van Wegen, EEH; Meskers, CGM; Krakauer, JW; ,Quantifying quality of movement longitudinally post stroke a systematic review.,DYNAMICS OF NEUROLOGICAL AND BEHAVIOURAL RECOVERY AFTER STROKE,36,3,109,2022
  59. Saes, Mique; Mohamed Refai, Mohamed Irfan; van Beijnum, Bert-Jan F; Bussmann, JBJ; Jansma, Elizabeth P; Veltink, Peter H; Buurke, Jaap Hilbert; van Wegen, Erwin EH; Meskers, Carel GM; Krakauer, JW; ,Quantifying quality of reaching movements longitudinally post-stroke: a systematic review,Neurorehabilitation and neural repair,36,3,183-207,2022
  60. Scheltinga BL, Usta H, Reenalda J, Buurke JH. Estimating Vertical Ground Reaction Force during Running with 3 Inertial Measurement Units. Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Biosciences (JBEB). 2022 Nov 16;9(1):31-8.
  61. Scheltinga BL, Usta H, Reenalda J, Buurke JH. Estimating Vertical Ground Reaction Force during Running with 3 IMUs. In8th World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Science, EECSS 2022 2022 (pp. ICBES-126). Avestia Publishing.
  62. Scheltinga BL, Usta H, Reenalda J, Buurke JH. Estimating vertical ground reaction force during running with 3 IMUs. 17th International Symposium of 3-D Analyses of Human Movement, (3D-AHM 2022).
  63. Scheltinga BL, Usta H, Reenalda J. Predicting 2d Ground Reaction Forces In Running: Combining Inertial Measurement Units With Neural Networks: 1883. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2022 Sep 1;54(9S):558-9.
  64. Scheltinga, Bouke L; Usta, Hazal; Reenalda, Jasper; Buurke, Jaap H; ,Estimating Vertical Ground Reaction Force during Running with 3 Inertial Measurement Units,Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Biosciences (JBEB),9,1,31-38,2022
  65. Schulte RV, Prinsen EC, Buurke JH, Poel M. Adaptive lower limb pattern recognition for multi-day control. Sensors 2022;22:6351.
  66. Schulte RV, Prinsen EC, Schaake L, Buurke JH. Synchronization of wearable motion capture and EMG measurement systems. IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot 2022:1-6.
  67. Schulte RV, Zondag M. Buurke JH, Prinsen EC. Multi-day EMG-based knee joint torque estimation using hybrid neuromusculoskeletal modeling and convolutional neural networks. Front Robot AI 2022;9:869476.
  68. Schulte, Robert V; Prinsen, Erik C; Buurke, Jaap H; Poel, Mannes;,Adaptive Lower Limb Pattern Recognition for Multi-Day Control,Sensors,22,17,6351,2022
  69. Schulte, Robert V; Prinsen, Erik C; Schaake, Leendert; Buurke, Jaap H;,Synchronization of wearable motion capture and EMG measurement systems,2022 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR),1-6,2022,IEEE
  70. Schulte, Robert V; Zondag, Marijke; Buurke, Jaap H; Prinsen, Erik C; ,Multi-Day EMG-Based Knee Joint Torque Estimation Using Hybrid Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling and Convolutional Neural Networks,Frontiers in Robotics and AI,9,2022
  71. Schwarz, Anne; Bhagubai, Miguel MC; Nies, Saskia HG; Held, Jeremia PO; Veltink, Peter H; Buurke, Jaap H; Luft, Andreas R; ,Correction to: Characterization of stroke-related upper limb motor impairments across various upper limb activities by use of kinematic core set measures,Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation,19,2022
  72. Schwarz, Anne; Bhagubai, Miguel; Nies, Saskia HG; Held, Jeremia PO; Veltink, Peter H; Buurke, Jaap H; Luft, Andreas R; ,Characterization of stroke-related upper limb motor impairments across various upper limb activities by use of kinematic core set measures,Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation,19,1,1-18,2022
  73. Tenniglo MJB, Nederhand MJ, Fleuren JF, Rietman JS, Buurke JH, Prinsen EC. Does the Duncan-Ely test predict abnormal activity of the rectus femoris in stroke survivors with a stiff knee gait? J Rehabil Med 2022;54:jrm00247.
  74. Tenniglo, M; Nene, A; Prinsen, E; Buurke, J; ,Preliminary results: The effect of BTX-A in the rectus femoris in stroke patients with stiff knee gait, A RCT, Gait & Posture,97,S156,2022
  75. Tenniglo, Martin JB; Nederhand, Marc J; Fleuren, Judith F; Rietman, Johan S; Buurke, Jaap H; Prinsen, Erik C; ,Does the Duncan-Ely test predict abnormal activity of the rectus femoris in stroke survivors with a stiff knee gait? Journal of rehabilitation medicine,54,2022
  76. van Velsen L, Ludden G, Grünloh C. The Limitations of User-and Human-Centered Design in an eHealth Context and How to Move Beyond Them. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2022 Oct 5;24(10):e37341.
  77. Zandbergen, Marit A; Marotta, Luca; Bulthuis, Roos; Buurke, Jaap H; Veltink, Peter H; Reenalda, Jasper; ,Effects of level running-induced fatigue on running kinematics: A systematic review and meta-analysis,Gait & Posture,2022
  78. Zandbergen, Marit A; Reenalda, Jasper; van Middelaar, Robbert P; Ferla, Romano I; Buurke, Jaap H; Veltink, Peter H; ,Drift-free 3D orientation and displacement estimation for quasi-cyclical movements using one inertial measurement unit: Application to Running,Sensors,22,3,956,2022
  1. Alingh JF, Fleerkotte BM, Groen BE, Rietman JS, Weerdesteyn V, van Asseldonk EHF, Geurts ACH, Buurke JH. Effect of assist-as-needed robotic gait training on the gait pattern post stroke: a randomized controlled trial. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2021 Feb 5;18(1):26. doi: 10.1186/s12984-020-00800-4. PMID: 33546733
  2. Andreea Bondrea, Jasmijn Franke, Dennis Hofs, Christiane Grünloh, Boris van Schooten. 2021. healthyMe mobile and iCare portal: Lifestyle interventions management and privacy-abiding data sharing with carers. Demo at SmartWork 2021 - 2nd Workshop on Smart, Personalized and Age-Friendly Working Environments, In conjunction with the 13th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2021), October 25-27, 2021.
  3. Astell, A.J., Panou, M., Touliou, K. et al. Developing a pragmatic evaluation of ICTs for older adults with cognitive impairment at scale: the IN LIFE experience. Univ Access Inf Soc (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-021-00849-5
  4. Beinema, Tessa; op den Akker, Harm; van Velsen, Lex; Hermens, Hermie; Tailoring coaching strategies to users' motivation in a multi-agent health coaching application. Computers in Human Behavior. 121. 106787. 2021. Pergamon
  5. Bessler J, Prange-Lasonder GB, Schaake L, Saenz JF, Bidard C, Fassi I, Valori M, Bach Lassen A, Buurke JH. Safety assessment of rehabilitation robots: A review identifying safety skills and current knowledge gaps. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 2021 Mar 23;8:33
  6. Broekhuis, Marijke; van Velsen, Lex; Peute, Linda; Halim, Meilani; Hermens, Hermie; Conceptualizing Usability for the eHealth Context: Content Analysis of Usability Problems of eHealth Applications JMIR Formative Research. 5. 7. e18198. 2021. JMIR Publications Inc., Toronto, Canada
  7. Broekhuis, Marijke; Weering, Marit Dekker-van; Schuit, Cheyenne; Schürz, Stefan; van Velsen, Lex; Designing a stakeholder-inclusive service model for an eHealth service to support older adults in an active and social life BMC health services research. 21. 1. 1-17. 2021. BioMed Central
  8. Bulthuis R, Tabak M, Schaake L & Hermens H (2021) Outdoor E-trike Cycling: a Low Intensity Physical Activity, Assistive Technology, DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2020.1858995
  9. Does the Duncan-Ely test predict abnormal activity of the rectus femoris in stroke survivors with a stiff knee gait? Tenniglo, M. J. B., Nederhand, M. J., Fleuren, J. F., Rietman, J. S., Buurke, J. H. & Prinsen, E. C., 2021, In: Journal of rehabilitation medicine.
  10. Effect of assist-as-needed robotic gait training on the gait pattern post stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Alingh, J. F., Fleerkotte, B. M., Groen, B. E., Rietman, J. S., Weerdesteyn, V., van Asseldonk, E. H. F., Geurts, A. C. H. & Buurke, J. H., 5 Feb 2021, In: Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation. 18, 1, 26.
  11. European evidence-based recommendations for clinical assessment of upper limb in neurorehabilitation (CAULIN): data synthesis from systematic reviews, clinical practice guidelines and expert consensus. Prange-Lasonder, G. B., Alt Murphy, M., Lamers, I., Hughes, A. M., Buurke, J. H., Feys, P., Keller, T., Klamroth-Marganska, V., Tarkka, I. M., Timmermans, A. & Burridge, J. H., Dec 2021, In: Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation. 18, 1, 162.
  12. Geers AM, Prinsen EC, van der Pijl DJ, Bergsma A, Rietman JS, Koopman BFJM. Head support in wheelchairs (scoping review): state-of-the-art and beyond. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol 2021;17:1-24
  13. Geers AM, Prinsen EC, van der Pijl DJ, Bergsma A, Rietman JS, Koopman BFJM. Head support in wheelchairs (scoping review): state-of-the-art and beyond. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2021 May 17:1-24. doi: 10.1080/17483107.2021.1892840. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34000206
  14. Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection in Lower Limb Pattern Recognition. Schulte, R. V., Prinsen, E. C., Hermens, H. J. & Buurke, J. H., 25 Oct 2021, In: Frontiers in robotics and AI. 8, 710806.
  15. Haarman CJW, Hekman EEG, Haalboom MFH, van der Kooij H, Rietman JS. A New Shoulder Orthosis to Dynamically Support Glenohumeral Subluxation. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2021 Apr;68(4):1142-1153. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2020.3021521. Epub 2021 Mar 18. PMID: 32881681
  16. Haveman M, Jonker L, Hermens HJ, Tabak M, de Vries JP. Effectiveness of current perioperative telemonitoring on postoperative outcome in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery: a systematic review of controlled trials. Journal of Telemedicine and telecare. Nov 2021 https://doi.org/10.1177/1357633X211047710
  17. Haveman ME, van Melzen R, Schuurmann RCL, El Moumni M, Hermens HJ, Tabak M, de Vries JPM. Continuous monitoring of vital signs with the Everion biosensor on the surgical ward: a clinical validation study. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2021 Dec;18(sup1):145-152. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/17434440.2021.2019014. Epub 2021 Dec 27.
  18. Hurmuz M, Jansen-Kosterink S. Why is eHealth not being used to its full potential? Supporting Health by Technology International Conference 2021; 10-11 June 2021. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22165.86240
  19. Jacobs NW, Maas EM, Brusse-Keizer M, Rietman JS. Effectiveness and safety of cervical catheter tip placement in intrathecal baclofen treatment of spasticity: A systematic review. Journal of rehabilitation medicine: official journal of the UEMS European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. June 2021 53(7). doi: 10.2340/16501977-2857  
  20. Jansen-Kosterink S, Hurmuz M, Broekhuis M, Oberschmidt K. The importance of involving older people in the development of eHealth. Symposium during The Geriatrics Day 2021. February 11, online.
  21. Jansen-Kosterink S, Hurmuz M, Broekhuis M, Oberschmidt K. Solving the paradox: When usable eHealth applications are not used by the target population. Workshop during Medical Informatics Europe conference. May 29, online.
  22. Jansen-Kosterink S, Hurmuz M, den Ouden M, van Velsen L. Predictors to Use Mobile Apps for Monitoring COVID-19 Symptoms and Contact Tracing: Survey Among Dutch Citizens. JMIR Form Res 2021;5(12):e28416 doi: 10.2196/28416 PMID: 34818210
  23. Jansen-Kosterink SM, Broekhuis M, Hurmuz MZM, Oberschmidt K. Solving the paradox: When usable eHealth applications are not used by the target population.
  24. Jansen-Kosterink SM, Hurmuz MZM, Broekhuis M, Oberschmidt K. The importance of involving older people in the development of eHealth. Medical Informatics Europe Conference 2021, May 29-31, online.
  25. Jansen-Kosterink, S., van Velsen, L. & Cabrita, M. Clinician acceptance of complex clinical decision support systems for treatment allocation of patients with chronic low back pain. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 21, 137 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12911-021-01502-0
  26. Jasmijn Franke, Christiane Grünloh, Dennis Hofs, Boris van Schooten, Andreea Bondrea, Miriam Cabrita. 2021. Breaking up long sedentary periods of office workers through a virtual coach using activity data. In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, (IJCCI 2021), October 25-27, 2021, ISBN 978-989-758-534-0, ISSN 2184-2825, pages 389-397.
  27. Kottink AIR. iHand research. Science afternoon Klimmendaal 2021; October 22.
  28. Kramer, Lean L; Blok, Marije; Van Velsen, Lex; Mulder, Bob C; De Vet, Emely; Supporting eating behavior of community-dwelling older adults: Co-design of an embodied conversational agent Design for Health. 5. 1. 120-139. 2021. Routledge
  29. Kramer, Lean L; Mulder, Bob C; van Velsen, Lex; de Vet, Emely. Use and effect of web-based embodied conversational agents for improving eating behavior and decreasing loneliness among community-dwelling older adults: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR research protocols. 10. 1. e22186. 2021. JMIR Publications Inc., Toronto, Canada
  30. Marotta L, Buurke JH, van Beijnum B-JF, Reenalda J. Towards Machine Learning-Based Detection of Running-Induced Fatigue in Real-World Scenarios: Evaluation of IMU Sensor Configurations to Reduce Intrusiveness. Sensors. 2021; 21(10):3451
  31. Marotta L, Reenalda J. (Machine) Learning From IMU-derived Biomechanics To Detect Physical Fatigue In An Outdoor Run: 440, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2021
  32. Measures of Interjoint Coordination Post-stroke Across Different Upper Limb Movement Tasks. Schwarz, A., Veerbeek, J. M., Held, J. P. O., Buurke, J. H. & Luft, A. R., 28 Jan 2021, In: Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. 8, 620805.
  33. Oberschmidt K. How can we facilitate the active involvement of stakeholders in eHealth action research projects? In: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: The International Venue on Practice-centred Computing on the Design of Cooperation Technologies, Reports of the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (ISSN 2510-2591), DOI: 10.18420/ecscw2021_dc004
  34. Prange-Lasonder GB, Kottink AIR, Rydgård A, Rietman H. Soft-robotic glove development road to market in context of Medical Device Regulation. Workshop: European Week of Active and Healthy Ageing (EWAHA) 2021;18-21 October
  35. Ria Wolkorte, Lieke Heesink, Michelle Kip, Hendrik Koffijberg, Monique Tabak, Christiane Grünloh. 2021 Monitoring of rheumatoid arthritis: a patient survey on disease insight and possible added value of an innovative inflammation monitoring device. Rheumatology International. DOI: 10.1007/s00296-021-05026-8 (Open Access)
  36. Rietman H. 17th PANHELLENIC CONF OF THE HELLENIC SOC OF PM&R 2021 (online): 26 Nov 2021. Keynote lecture: Update/Evidence on Rehabilitation of people with lower limb loss
  37. Rietman H. DCRM 2021 (Dutch congress on Rehab Medicine) (online) 12 Nov 2021. Keynote lecture: Rehabilitation technology in support of Mission-driven health and care policy.
  38. Rietman H. EFRR 2021 (Eur Forum of Rehab research) (online): 25 Sept 2021. Keynote lecture: Modern technology for assessment and functional independence
  39. Rietman H. ISPRM 2021 (Int soc Phys Rehab Medicine) (online): Invited Lecture: 13 june 2021. Update/Evidence on Rehabilitation of people with lower limb loss.
  40. Rietman H. Neurocontrol symp 2021: 15 oct 2021 Den Dolder, the Netherlands. Invited lecture: Modern technology for assessment and functional independence
  41. Saenz J, Bessler J, Herbster S, Lassen A, Bidard C, Prange-Lasonder GB, Schaake L, Scibilia A, Valori M, Fassi I, Behrens R, Nielsen K. COVR - Using Robotics Users' Feedback to update the Toolkit and Validation Protocols for Cross-domain Safety of collaborative Robotics. In 2021 Symposium on Intelligent and Autonomous Systems (SIAS 2021); 2021 June 21-23; Talinn Estonia
  42. Saenz J, Fassi I, Prange-Lasonder GB, Valori M, Bidard C, Lassen AB, Bessler-Etten J. COVR Toolkit-Supporting safety of interactive robotics applications. In: 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS) 2021 Sep 8. IEEE.
  43. Safety Assessment of Rehabilitation Robots: A Review Identifying Safety Skills and Current Knowledge Gaps. Bessler, J., Prange-Lasonder, G. B., Schaake, L., Saenz, J. F., Bidard, C., Fassi, I., Valori, M., Lassen, A. B. & Buurke, J. H., 22 Mar 2021, In: Frontiers in robotics and AI. 8, 602878.
  44. Schulte RV, Prinsen EC, Hermens HJ, Buurke JH. Genetic algorithm for feature selection in lower limb pattern recognition. Front Robot AI 2021;8:710806
  45. Schulte, R. V., Prinsen, E. C., Hermens, H. J., & Buurke, J. H. Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection in Lower Limb Pattern Recognition. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 2021, 8: 710806
  46. Sloots J, Bakker M, van der Palen J, Eijsvogel MM, van der Valk P, Linssen G, van Ommeren C, Grinovero M, Tabak M, Effing T, Lenferink A (2021). Adherence to an eHealth self-management intervention for patients with both COPD and heart failure: Results of a pilot study. International Journal of COPD 16; 2089-2103 https://doi.org/10.2147/COPD.S299598
  47. Smoothness metric during reach-to-grasp after stroke: Part 2. longitudinal association with motor impairment. Saes, M., Mohamed Refai, M. I., van Kordelaar, J., Scheltinga, B. L., van Beijnum, B-J. F., Bussmann, H. B. J., Buurke, J. H., Veltink, P. H., Meskers, C. G. M., van Wegen, E. E. H. & Kwakkel, G., 24 Sep 2021, In: Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation. 18, 144.
  48. Smoothness metrics for reaching performance after stroke: Part 1: which one to choose? Mohamed Refai, M. I., Saes, M., Scheltinga, B. L., van Kordelaar, J., Bussmann, H. B. J., Veltink, P. H., Buurke, J. H., Meskers, C. G. M., van Wegen, E. E. H., Kwakkel, G. & van Beijnum, B-J. F., 26 Oct 2021, In: Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation. 18, 154.
  49. Tenniglo M. Symposium Dutch Association of Rehabilitation Physiotherapists, NVRF. Spasticity; Treatment options in Stiff Knee Gait. June 3, 2021, Online
  50. ter Stal S, Jongbloed G, Tabak M (2021). Embodied Conversational Agents in eHealth: How Facial and Textual Expressions of Positive and Neutral Emotions Influence Perceptions of Mutual Understanding. Interacting with Computers 2021 https://doi.org/10.1093/iwcomp/iwab019v   
  51. ter Stal S, Sloots J, Ramlal A, op den Akker H, Lenferink A, Tabak M. An Embodied Conversational Agent in an eHealth Selfmanagement Intervention for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Chronic Heart Failure: Exploratory Study in a Real-life Setting. JMIR Hum Factors 2021;8(4):e24110 https://doi.org/10.2196/24110
  52. Tom Thomson, Miriam Cabrita, Christiane Grünloh, Rita Kovordanyi, Otilia Kocsis, Willeke van Staalduinen. 2021. Elaboration of Intervention Strategies for Health and Workability Management. Poster at SmartWork 2021 - 2nd Workshop on Smart, Personalized and Age-Friendly Working Environments, In conjunction with the 13th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2021), October 25-27, 2021.
  53. Towards machine learning-based detection of running-induced fatigue in real-world scenarios: Evaluation of IMU sensor configurations to reduce intrusiveness. Marotta, L., Buurke, J. H., van Beijnum, B. J. F. & Reenalda, J., 15 May 2021, In: Sensors (Switzerland). 21, 10, 3451.
  54. Valori M, Scibilia A, Fassi I, Saenz J, Behrens R, Herbster S, Bidard C, Lucet E, Magisson A, Schaake L, Bessler J, Prange-Lasonder GB, Kühnrich M, Lassen AB, Nielsen K. Validating Safety in Human-Robot Collaboration: Standards and New Perspectives. Robotics. 2021 Jun;10(2):65.
  55. Van der Kamp M, Hartgerink PR, Driessen J, Thio B, Hermens H, Tabak M (2021). Feasibility, efficacy and efficiency of eHealth-supported pediatric asthma care: six-month quasi-experimental single-arm pretest-posttest study. JMIR formative research 5(7), e24634 doi:10.2196/24634
  56. van der Kamp MR, Nieuwdorp BW, Thio BJ, Tabak M, Kamps AWA, Hermens HJ and Driessen JMM (2021) Can the Childhood Physical Activity Questionnaire Be Used to Identify Physical Activity Levels in Children With Asthma? Front. Pediatr. 9:726695 https://doi.org/10.3389/fped.2021.726695
  57. van Velsen L, Flierman I, Tabak M (2021). The formation of patient trust and its transference to online health services: The case of a Dutch patient portal for rehabilitation care. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 21 (188) https://doi.org/10.1186/s12911-021-01552-4
  58. van Velsen, Lex; Flierman, Ina; Tabak, Monique; The formation of patient trust and its transference to online health services: the case of a Dutch online patient portal for rehabilitation care BMC medical informatics and decision making 21 1 1-10 2021 BioMed Central
  59. Verloop WRG, Haarman CJW, van Vliet RO, de Koning JL, Rietman JS. A newly designed shoulder orthosis for patients with glenohumeral subluxation: a clinical evaluation study. Prosthet Orthot Int. 2021 Aug 1;45(4):322-327. doi: 10.1097/PXR.0000000000000026. PMID: 34269756
  60. Wolkorte R, Heesink L, Kip M, Koffijberg H, Tabak M, Grünloh C. (2021) Monitoring of rheumatoid arthritis: a patient survey on disease insight and possible added value of an innovative inflammation monitoring device. Rheumatol Int (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00296-021-05026-8
  61. Yin Y, Blok M, Oberschmidt K, Berry D. 'How and why' - Designing digitalized caring communities as intergenerational models of care. Presentation and panel at the EURECO 2021 conference. 2 December, online.