SmartWork is a project funded under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation action programme (grant agreement No 826343), which started in January 2019 and ends in March 2022. The main aim of the SmartWork project was to build a system that supports older adults staying actively working as long as desired (also called work ability sustainability).

As one of nine research partners, RRD has developed several services and algorithms which were showcased in a demo at the 2nd Workshop on Smart, Personalized and Age-Friendly Working Environments. This workshop was held in conjunction with the 13th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2021) in October 2021.

This demo video, that can be found below, shows the services that RRD developed as part of the H2020 SmartWork project:

  1. the modules of the healthyMe smartphone application;
  2. the iCare portal;
  3. the Interventions Manager Service (IMS).


healthyMe smartphone application

The healthyMe smartphone application is the main mobile entry point for the users to collect and visualize physiological, activity and lifestyle data. It is available on Android and iOS in three languages (English, Danish, Portuguese). Each module (steps, sleep, heart rate, food diary, weight, exercises) has its own widget, presenting the collected data in daily, weekly and monthly overviews. These collected data are automatically measured through:

  • an activity tracker to measure physical activity, sleep and heart rate (Fitbit Charge 3); and
  • a smart scale to measure body weight (Withings Body).

The food diary in the application allows users to manually track their food intake, which raises their awareness of the total amount of energy consumed. The office-friendly exercise widget presents a library of video-guided exercises that have been recorded in collaboration with healthcare professionals. The exercise videos allow users to safely perform physical exercises at home or at work at the time of their best convenience. The integrated filter allows the user to select exercises by body parts (shoulders, neck, back, arms, legs).

The virtual coach "Amelia" guides users through the application, starting with an intake dialogue through which users can set their activity goals. Depending on their actual level of physical activity that is tracked later on, the goal is automatically adjusted. If a person is less active, the step goal will be adjusted and increased if a person reached their step goals. To prevent demotivation, the automatically adjusted goal is always slightly higher than was reached in the previous week and hence likely to be achievable for the person.


iCare portal

The iCare portal is a service that allows formal and informal caregivers to support the older office worker reaching their health goals. Strong focus is placed on privacy and control in that the office worker can configure within the healthyMe service which data they want to share, from which period of time and with whom. After configuration, summaries of health-related information collected within the healthyMe service are visualised in a web-based portal. This way, the caregiver can monitor the health status of the office worker and provide support for the self-management of health conditions.


Interventions Manager Services (IMS)

The Interventions Manager Services (IMS) is a centralized component within the SmartWork platform that acts as a smart message hub for triggered interventions. From the back-end service side, the IMS can be called if any of the smart services developed within SmartWork decides that some intervention should be triggered. From the client side, the IMS lets the SmartWork client applications register themselves to be notified of triggered interventions. Through the IMS, all smart services have a single entry-point for delivering intervention triggers, and all client applications have a single entry point for registering to receive triggers. Another motivation for the single entry-point was to avoid overloading the user with multiple notifications of triggered interventions at the same time. Currently, only one intervention is delivered at a given time, and in the future more sophisticated intervention prioritisation mechanisms can be implemented.

After a bit over 3 years, the SmartWork projects is coming to an end this month. It was a great collaboration with research partners from Greece, Switzerland, Portugal, Sweden, Denmark, United Kingdom, Ireland and The Netherlands. We enjoyed working together with the partners and hope we can collaborate in future projects.